Posting on social media is intensity terrifying BUT I am reading two books right now that are nailing down some good points, GoPro by Eric Worre and the Compounding Effect by Darren Hardy. GoPro is teaching me so much on social networking marketing, the power of taking initiative using social media, and how it can devolope what you want. Personally this is perfect for me to dive into, being a new beachbody coach I want social media marketing to be the core of my business! It's teaching me to have NO shame and do what I have to do to get where I want to be! Compound effect is teaching me to bit the bullet and GO, but to think while I do it, take chances but know what chances I am taking. "What you think about you bring about!" If you want something then make goals, focus on the positive and make sure you check in with yourself everyday! My goals for this week is to blog 3-5 times a week, make sure I'm posting 3 times a day on social media and NETWORK!!!