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Showing posts from 2014
My sister posted this article and I have had a TON of people ask me for a comparison in herbalife and Shakeology. This article is great and proves that PURE ingredients are not cheap. The most frequent question I get ask is "why is shakeology so expensive." When you break the cost down, Shakeology is about $4 a day.. Thats a coffee, snack and less than a meal. I personally would rather spend more money and NOT get fake sugars, chemicals and additives. If your current protein shake or meal replacement shake has any soy, its is the CHEAPEST! I encourage each of you to take a look into what you are feeding your body, it may be the most "cost effective" but your body does not get any benefit to it!! faq-shakeology-vs-herbalife
Cant wait to make this! I normally am not a pasta lady BUT I cannot wait to make this because it is 21 day fix approved! Ingredients 1/2 box Whole Wheat Pasta 1 red container Part-Skim Ricotta Cheese 1 jar natural/clean Tomato Sauce 1/2 lb Lean Ground Turkey 1/2 c Italian Cheese, shredded 1 tsp Balsamic Vinegar 1 tsp Honey 1 tbsp each: Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Italian Seasoning, Oregano, Basil, Parsley, and Black Pepper Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook the noodles until al-dente. While pasta is cooking, brown the ground turkey. Drain turkey of excess fat renderings after cooking. In a large bowl, combine the ricotta, pasta sauce, honey, seasonings, cooked ground turkey, and the cooked and drained noodles. Stir until well combined. Pour mixture into a 13×9 pan. Sprinkle Italian cheese and parsley on top. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes, or until the cheese has melted and bubbly.
Recipe of the week! There are so many ways you can make these stuffed bell peppers! With different veggies, meats and lentils. Has anyone made these? I ngredients 4 bell peppers (color of your choice) ½ pound 93% lean ground turkey 1 can fire-roasted tomatoes 2 garlic cloves, grated 1 green container (about 1 cup) onions, chopped 2 yellow containers (about 1 cup) cooked brown rice 2 blue containers shredded cheddar cheese (I like Kraft triple cheddar) 1 tbsp each ground cumin, paprika, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, italian seasoning 1 tbsp tabasco (more or less to taste) ½ tsp salt (optional) Directions Cook rice according to package instructions In a skillet with a little EVOO, saute onion and garlic until tender. Remove from pan and set aside. In same skillet, brown ground turkey Meanwhile, chop the tops off bell peppers. Heat a large pot of water to boiling. Boil peppers for 3 minutes and remove. Drain on paper t

21 Day Fix recipe of the day!!

I LOVE tacos, this is a recipe that I will make this week :) Everyone should try and let me know what you think!!! Use the FREE foods to spice it up!!

T25 sweat session!

Did a t25 last night for the first time and loved the workout! It's fun, intense and a sweat bomb! Great thing is it's only 25 minutes, jump on board!! 

T25 sweat session!

Did a t25 last night for the first time and loved the workout! It's fun, intense and a sweat bomb! Great thing is it's only 25 minutes, jump on board!! 

My first challenge group!

Monday was the start of my 21 day holiday fix! I have such an awesome groups of individuals that want to love and healthier life! I committed to get them to their goals, it's 21 days of healthy eating/working out/ drinking shakeology.  So ready to move forward with my business and make this a business that will prosper! Drive is what will get anyone to their goals :)  21 day holiday fix, let's do this! 

Shake share!

Co-workers ❤️ shakeology!! It's so great to be able to talk to others about this product! My pharmasist actually can see all the nutrients in the glass after drinking it! 

The truth!

This is seriously the truth! I don't crave chips, cookies or even wine! On day 14 of the 21 day fix and feel amaze! All I have is energy and want to be in the best shape of my life! 

21 Day Fixing!

I am about 2 weeks into my 21 day fix and I haven't had this much sustained energy in FOREVER! I work about ten hour days, I constantly felt exhausted! I think since I have changed my diet and drank my Shakeology my body is finally smiling! I start my own challenge group Dec 1st with the 21 day fix and am super amped! Nervous and excited! Beachbody really has paved the way and allowed me to be creative at the same time, I really want to start changing peoples lives and make them feel better! Now back to worky!


I'm all about a self help book, GoPro by Eric Worre had changed the way I look at network marketing networking. With my new beachbody coaching gig I really want to put myself out there, meet people and share my love for health/fitness! This book give you a step by step way to build your online marketing following for your career!  This blog is for beachbody but it's also a way for me to grow as a person. For so long I have been nervous to put myself out there, scared of failure and sceptical of social media! This book really allows you to look at yourself differently, get it! Read it! Share with me your thoughts!  BTW, 21 day fix is amaze! I have never had so much consistent energyand stamina, plus I'm full :) Try this program! Join me December 1st! 

Facebook FEAR!

Posting on social media is intensity terrifying BUT I am reading two books right now that are nailing down some good points, GoPro by Eric Worre and the Compounding Effect by Darren Hardy. GoPro is teaching me so much on social networking marketing, the power of taking initiative using social media, and how it can devolope what you want. Personally this is perfect for me to dive into, being a new beachbody coach I want social media marketing to be the core of my business! It's teaching me to have NO shame and do what I have to do to get where I want to be!  Compound effect is teaching me to bit the bullet and GO, but to think while I do it, take chances but know what chances I am taking. "What you think about you bring about!" If you want something then make goals, focus on the positive and make sure you check in with yourself everyday!  My goals for this week is to blog 3-5 times a week, make sure I'm posting 3 times a day on social media and NETWORK!!! 

21 Day Fix, take 1

So it is my first day doing the 21 day fix and I am enjoying my 2oz glass of wine! This last week was a prep week, meaning you read up on the how's and why's of the 21 day fix. You also educated yourself on how many calories you should be eating and how to use the portion control boxes they give you (super user friendly). Yesterday was a grocery shopping day and this is what my list looked like for my week! VEGGIES: green box      spinach  kale broccoli      cucumber                                                                       tomato                                                                                                                                                                                              celery                                                                                                  carrot zucchini asparagus Brussel  sprouts  green beans  zucchini   PROTEIN: red box  lean ground turkey  lean gri

Success_is_your_noise: The low down on me

The low down on me! I honestly have never been a blogger, BUT this is the first week being a BeachBody coach, I want to share my journey with all of you! Fitness and health is a true passion of mine, when I found out Beachbody had a coaching program I was already a believer. It is so rewarding to be able to help others, life happens and we are all so busy but when commitment happens so do changes. I believe that Beachbody is a life changer and I want to help others reach their goals with Beachbody's programs! I have always been a runner but never got into my nutrition all that much, I am 28 years old and have realized that I need a better diet. A healthy diet along with exercise will give you more energy and longevity. I decided to put myself to the test in hopes my story will inspire others. Putting yourself out there is the first step, accountability is huge in making positive changes, it is curtail for optimal results! Here is where it starts for me, I hope that anyone re